Rainbow Bridge
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Eli was a companion and gentleman.  He will be greatly missed by his family, who gave him a long and happy life.  RIP Eli

Rescued 2/1/09  Adopted 5/9/09  Rainbow Bridge 12/15/18

Elvis aka Ramsey

Pawprints of You  

From the day you came into my life, a rescue with such a sad beginning who only wanted a forever loving home, there are no words that can express the depth of joy and love you have given enhancing and enriching my life these past 12 years.

You learned to trust my care and love and found such a wonderful big brother in Root accepting his divo like traits and “me first” personality.  The two of you became Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon but in the Canine Odd Couple.

You always made me smile and laugh at your quirky ways, your walk, your boyish like expressions, and protective personality yet always need to be near me.

You’ve been my shadow and the best friend I could ever have.

Although I rescued you, you rescued me and taught and showed me joy, patience, unconditional love and acceptance.  I will never be able to express or show you enough the depth of my love for you but know that with this last act of love, I will be at peace and let you go to your next adventure and cross the Rainbow Bridge where health and continued love and happiness await you.  

Our love and prayers go with you, you will always be in our heart and memories.

God and Jesus will be there to meet and guide you when you arrive.  Now go in peace my dear sweet little boy.


It is with the heaviest of hearts that I have to inform you that Evander  went to the Rainbow Bridge today.  He was adopted on 02/24/2008 from DROH  and this little guy knew nothing but love from then on.  We loved him so  much and will miss him terribly.     

Evander had developed dementia and his quality of life had  declined to the point where he no longer answered to his name, was  unsteady  on his feet and was pacing for hours at a time.  In his own way, he was telling me "It's time".  He  went peacefully and was surrounded by those who loved him the most when he  passed.  RIP sweet boy.

Adopted 2/24/08  Rainbow Bridge 5/15/18



Everett Ross Wakanda

We sure are going to miss our little old man Everett. He was one foster we couldn't let go of and adopted him ourselves about 2 years ago. This little Scrappy dude was told that he wouldn't be winning any beauty pageants but we disagreed. We didn't mind at all that he was blind, had a wart on his back, had torn ears, needed Prozac and special eye drops, and wasn't very dachshund. He was our precious boy that we loved very much. He loved human foster sister from the moment we brought her home. He often slept in her bedroom to be near her. He was such a great snuggler. He loved stealing toys and "hiding" them. Usually they were in plain sight. He couldn't see them so that means we couldn't see them. (Wink, wink)  
We always said, "Good job hiding your toy, buddy."
We helped him cross the rainbow bridge today. We loved our little Doggie Dude, Buddy, Grumpasaurus, Lil Dude, and he loved us. 
Our hearts are very heavy and sad. We didn't have enough time with you precious boy and we certainly didn't expect today to be the day that we had to say goodbye. Until we see you again sweet boy, you will be in our hearts forever. 
"The Lord is near to the broken-hearted and saves the crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18).

Evie Citrine

Evie came to DRoH in terrible shape.  She was severely diabetic, along with many other issues.  She landed with the perfect foster, who became her angel.  Her foster mom so fondly reports: "She was happy here and loved to climb on me and give me kisses.  I’m glad I was able to make the short time I had her good for her.  She got to do and experience a lot in her short time here.  I know she loved me."  RIP sweet Miss Evie.  You know you were loved.

Rescued 11/10/2020   Rainbow Bridge 1/4/2021

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