Rainbow Bridge
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Hayley Topaz

Sweet Haley crossed the Rainbow Bridge today surrounded by her foster family who was actually her Forever.  Their kindness and care gave Haley her best life as she battled her illnesses.  Run free sweet pea.  You soul lives on in your family.

Rescued 11/30/21   Rainbow Bridge 3/20/22


Heidi was the love of  my life and I miss her so!

Hope Kipling

It is with a sad and broken heart that I let you know that my precious little baby girl Hope went to the Rainbow Bridge yesterday.  I adopted her almost 4 years ago, on June 30th, even though she was 14 years old, I had so hoped to have her longer.  She had been very sick for some time and while I know it was the right thing to do, it is still the hardest
thing in the world.  

I will miss her spunky little self, so independent. I loved her very much, my life is so changed without her.  I adopted Bindi at the same time, so she and I will have to go on without our precious Hope - hard for Bindi, as Hope was definitely alpha, even though so very small.

Rest in peace my sweet little Hope.  Mama loved you so much and will
remember you always.

Rescued 4/1/16 *  Adopted 6/30/16 * Rainbow Bridge 6/26/20


Huey Ross Rich

We were pet parents to Huey Ross Rich.  We have had  the privilege to have Huey in our life for just 3 years.  We had to put him down after complications arose from his recent back surgery.   
He was the Greatest Dog and a true friend   We are hurting from this loss.

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