Rainbow Bridge
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Ronnie aka Javanna Barbie

I had just lost my husband, Ron, and a wonderful lady Kathleen Anderson brought me a pup named Barbie on Ron’s Birthday September 2.  I renamed her “Ronnie”. I will miss my 1000 kisses faithfully given to each day, and our conversations about treats.  Ronnie arrived in my home with the ability to not only sit, but also to come immediately and fast when called, something her namesake never did.  She was my best Friend, and quickly began building loving relationships with all those who came in contact with her, whether it be a new vet, or a new person. All surprised at her good nature. A lover of couches and blankets, and my bed, Ronnie had many hobbies. Some of her favorite activities included barking for treats, cuddling alongside you, taking over my bed, acting like a spaz when it was time to be fed, and trying to figure out who exactly was "the good girl”. The quickest way to Ronnie's heart was with a quality scratch of her rear, and a rub of her belly. Ronnie will be greatly missed by many, but none more so than her mom. Through thick and thin, she loved her with all her heart, and though the pain i feel without her is great, it in no way would compare to having never had her in my life. Besides me, Ronnie leaves behind aunts Paige and Shelley, John her uncle, my sister Irene and family; all her friends along the street, and many amazing friends throughout the years. At the wishes of Ronnie’s family, give your dog an extra hug, belly rub, and treats.  

Rescued 1/30/13, Adopted 9/02/13, Rainbow Bridge 1/27/19

Rose Standish aka Phoebe

I lost my Phoebe (aka Rose Standish) suddenly on November 16, 2017.  I
loved her to death.
She trusted no one. For the 6 years that I had her, she only trusted me and she was absolutely a sweetheart.  I miss her terribly.  Someday
when I am ready I will get another.

Rescued 11/16/11; Adopted 12/15/11; Rainbow Bridge 11/16/17




I wanted to share with you that I adopted my sweet Ruby from you on
November 29, 2013.  She was estimated to be one year of age at time of adoption.  My sweet Ruby entered Heaven crossed the Rainbow bridge as I hugged her lovingly as she took her last breath .

She gave me 10 years of unconditional love and was my very best friend.  My heart is breaking but I am so thankful for the time she was in our family.
She was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure about 10 months ago and we gave her maximum medical management to love her in the end of life .

I want to say thank you for the work you are doing to help find loving and
safe homes for all the sweet doggies you rescue .

With a grateful heart,


Ruby Rayburn

Sweet and lovable Miss Ruby passed away 5/27/22.  She gave us three wonderful years, which we cherish and we will miss her very much heart

Rudy Ostern

I adopted Rudy back in June of 2015. I am heartbroken to
report that Rudy passed away yesterday morning. 

He brought a ton of joy to my life and I'll be forever thankful for the
love and time I was able to share with him. He meant a ton to me.

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